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Zeynep Duran, Nurse

Istanbul, October 2016

I want to start by wishing everyone a healthy day. I'm a 49-year-old retired nurse. First of all, I want to talk about why I started this search before I start to talk about how I met this wonderful person and reflexology. While I didn't have any complaints, and was having the necessary mandatory examinations done that the bank I received loans from asked me, I have learned that there is a bulk in my right groin. On 27 April 2015, I underwent surgery to remove this bulk called solid lesion after MR. Although the effect of postoperative narcosis was over, I could not move my right leg and lift it up. I just had my wrist movement. It was a scary and frightening feeling. I wish that no one experiences, God forbid, it.

I was sadly aware that it was a very serious problem. Pathology results also confirmed that.

It wasn't a wen, it was a bulk taken from the nerve sheath. During this process partial paralysis of

the right leg was at stake due to neurotomy and peripheral nerve damage. A very challenging

marathon has begun between FTR, Neurology and Orthopedy clinics. I spent 42 days in the FTR

service. While weekly rehabilitation programs after discharge EMGs and drug therapies continue

intensively, I was continuously searching for other ways. Because I couldn't do anything and go

out on the street alone. One day, I begged my God, my daughter said that she had a reflexology

introductory session. I actually went very reluctant. Because it's been 11 months since the surgery,

and I was still very far from my old active life. I could only be alone at home and meet my own

needs without support. And dear friends, I have met great people and reflexology

on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, in the place where my daughter took me by force and which was the

turning point of my life. After a 15-minute introductory session of the first reflexology I've ever

experienced,  I miraculously raised my foot up, albeit for a second, but it immediately fell.

Because I couldn't control it. In the meantime, my daughter was with me and we were shocked at

this situation With dear Sanatan, we immediately started a two-day session in a week to continue

this beautiful process. In the meantime, dear friends, I'm still doing my neurology and FTR checks. 

You'll see the incredible benefit of reflexology and in my opinion, it is 100% supportive medical

treatment and a complementary therapy.


Meltem Duran

Meditation Center Istanbul, July 2016

Since Sinan entered our lives with his magic fingers, our house has become a much more pleasant place. After a sudden surgery, my mother had a temporary gait disorder. When I met Sinan as a result of the good coincidences in the universe, my mother's only expectation was that it supports the physical therapy process, but we were unaware that we would encounter much more than that. After regular sessions following the first month, my mother's recovery was so rapid that she even began to laze about physical therapy movements. These studies supported my mother psychologically in parallel to her physical recovery. The depressive mood created by staying at home for a long time after the surgery was cleared before, and then cleared area was filled with positive energy. The result is a mother dancing mother full of energy while listening to music at home!  So much so that Monday and Thursday, when my mother met with Sinan, became my favorite days of the week. Not only that, my mother changed her image after her rising energy and started to spread energy to everyone with her beautiful smile. Moreover, this high energy was much more wonderful than before the operation! I started by saying magic fingers, if you say why they are magic fingers, it is not only being able to feel strongly when she got closer to you without she is touching you when your eyes are closed, but also that she can create butterfly effect with her magic fingers.  I don't know how he made our house more cheerful by working at my mother's feet.  Of course, for these beauties, my mother paid much attention to the continuity of the interviews, felt tired after some interviews, slept for hours after some interviews, because there were things to be cleaned inside and the old one had to be removed to make room for the new one. Sometimes she walked like a penguin saying, “Sinan stepped on my feet too much during this meeting.“ In fact, it seemed like a sweet complaint, but every time I observed that her energy increased every time and I enjoyed it very much. Wherever there is labor and love, miracles arise. My mother and Sinan both worked hard in this process and as a result miracles happened.

Thank you, Sinan, for touching our lives so nicely...

Sehlan Uzunhan, 

Istanbul, April 2019

I've had two palsies in every other twelve years. In the second session I started to enjoy again and feel my palate, my pain decreased. My recovery has accelerated. I thank him very much. 

After regular sessions following the first month, my mother's recovery was so fast... These studies supported my mother psychologically in parallel to her physical recovery.

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