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Semin Yaman Yılmaz - Living in the Heart, Yoga Instructor

Istanbul, September 2017

I decided to go to Sinan after a migraine attack. I've had this pain for a long time. And now I decided to understand this pain. What did my headaches tell me about myself? It was easy to get painkillers. However, these drugs only relieved the current symptom but did not treat it.

The first day I worked with Sinan, I had an incredible awareness. One might have forgotten about an event over time, but the emotional body took a long time to forget. When Sinan suppressed a point where I was traumatized in my body, the response of my emotional body proved this to me. The trauma in my chin that I had years ago was in my emotional body. It was only Sinan who helped me to discover it. The body relieved when that hidden emotion expressed itself.

Another important point was that I did not know how to relax my body very well. After working with Sinan, I realized that I continuously commanded my body to relax. Everywhere.

Although migraine pain tries to enter into my body from time to time, I noticed that it cannot. I knew the pain. And how it came. But I wasn't letting it into my system.

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